Change of School Assignment (COSA)

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open.
Click here to apply now.
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now closed.


Applications for the 2025–2026 school year are now open. Click here to apply now.


Applications for the 2025–2026 School Year

  • On Time- Phase 1: October 2024– January 14, 2025
  • Late- Phase 2: After Completion of Phase 1– August 22, 2025

Solicitudes para el año escolar 2025–2026

  • A tiempo- Fase 1: Octubre de 2024– 14 de enero de 2025
  • Tarde- Fase 2: Tras la conclusión de la Fase 1– 22 de agosto de 2025
Apply today at:

Phase II-COSA Applications

The application window for the 2022-2023 school year will conclude on Friday, August 19, 2022.  Applications for the 2023-will open late September 2022.

GENERAL Parent/Guardian Phase II Application
General (COSA) Application

*CCSD School-Based Employees Only The application window for the 2022-2023 school year will conclude on Friday, August 19, 2022.  Applications for the 2023-will open late September 2022. If you have a specific need as it relates to a transfer after this deadline, please email the COSA Department.

School-Based Employee (COSA) Application

Change of School Assignment (COSA) FAQS

  • Once the student is enrolled through a COSA, the school becomes the student’s home school of record and the student must remain at the school for one school year.
  • Once a student is enrolled through a COSA, he/she does not need to reapply each year unless he/she decides to apply for another school with available space.
  • Families must carefully read the Agreement of Understanding prior to finalizing the application.

The District uses the official residence of the parent/guardian of the student to establish the school to which the student is assigned. For the purpose of assignment to a school, a student may not claim residence while living with an aunt, uncle, sister, brother, or other relative or friend, except as provided in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) concerning guardianship.

  • Approved for a COSA pursuant to Regulation 5112; or
  • Approved for a COSA for a student of a District employee to attend the school where the employee is employed, as long as the employee provides verified proof of the parental rights or legal guardianship of the student; or
  • Accepted into a magnet school program; or
  • Assigned to another school pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (IEP), have been assigned to an alternative school, or have made an English language learner (ELL) election to attend another school pursuant to Assembly Bill 219 of the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature (NRS 388.408); or
  • Assigned to a Prime 6 school option or a school on a zoning option approved by the Board of School Trustees; or
  • Determined homeless or in foster care and assisted through the existing processes while retaining school of origin rights; or
  • Approved for Administrative School Assignment.

Students who are currently attending a school on a COSA in Grades K-12 during the 2024–2025  school year will be grandfathered at the school they are currently attending and will be allowed to remain at the school until the final grade offered at the designated school is completed.

Students who are currently in Grades 5 and 8 during the 2024–2025  school year and attending a school on a COSA must either complete an application for a COSA at a school with available space or return to their assigned attendance zone school for the 2025-2026 school year. A COSA does not provide for students to be promoted from an elementary school to a middle school or to a middle school to a high school. A new request for a COSA must be made for the next school level.

The District will annually post a list of schools with available space at It’s Your Choice. Families may apply through an online application process to a school with available space within the COSA process. If there are more applications than available space, the District will conduct a computerized, random lottery for student selection.

The COSA process will begin in Late Fall 2024, and conclude on January 14, 2025, for Phase 1 on-time applications for the upcoming 20252026 school year. Parents/Guardians can access the online application through It’s Your Choice. If a student does not enroll in the new assigned school by the specified deadline, the COSA will be revoked and the student will attend his/her assigned zoned school.

The list of eligible schools is identified in collaboration with the Demographics, Zoning, and Geographic Information System (GIS) Department. Multiple factors are considered, including a school’s available capacity and enrollment, projected future enrollment, and current building utilization. Please note that no COSA request will be accepted for any magnet school program.

The District shall notify parents/guardians via written notice whether requests have been granted or denied during February and March. Parents/Guardians must respond through the mechanism provided by the District by the specified date after notification that they are accepting the COSA. If the request is not granted, a parent/guardian may request another school with available space through the COSA process during the late application process or apply to available magnet schools.

During the late application process conducted by August of each school year, the District shall notify parents/guardians via written notice whether requests have been granted or denied. Parents/Guardians must respond through the mechanism provided by the District by the specified date after notification that they are accepting the COSA.

Transportation will not be provided for students who attend school as a result of a COSA.

There is not an appeal process if a student is not selected for a COSA through the lottery process. However, the student will remain in a pool of available applicants.

If the school a parent/guardian wants to submit an application for a COSA is not on the list, the school does not have available space to be in the application process for a COSA.

A student of a District employee may attend the school where the employee is employed regardless of space available, as long as the employee provides verified proof of the parental rights or legal guardianship of the student and completes a COSA application to verify the request. Nevada’s Administrative Code (NAC) guidelines 388.150 must be followed when Case Management, Student Services Division, places students in self-contained programs.

A student of a District employee may attend the school where the employee is employed regardless of seat capacity, as long as the employee provides verified proof of the parental rights or legal guardianship of the student and completes a COSA application to verify the request. Nevada’s Administrative Code (NAC) guidelines 388.150 must be followed when Case Management, Student Services Division, places students in self-contained programs.

A student applying for a COSA will receive a sibling preference in the lottery process if the sibling is already enrolled and attending the school to which the student applies. Siblings must be concurrently enrolled at the school for the upcoming school year for the sibling preference in the lottery to be applicable. Preferences are only applied to a student’s first choice on-time application.

For purposes of sibling preference, a sibling is defined as a brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister living in the same household. In the case of foster children, this sibling preference applies to related siblings within the household. In a group home situation, only those students selected through the lottery and their related siblings, if they have applied, will be included in the sibling preference.

The parent/guardian may remain in a pool of available applicants until if/when they are selected. The parent/guardian may apply to another school with available space until day ten of the upcoming school year through a late application process. Parents/Guardians may also apply to another school choice option through It’s Your Choice.

The Administrative School Assignment will be considered by the central services office designated by the Superintendent of Schools in conjunction with the Office of the Deputy Superintendent with the applicable region superintendent. Administrative School Assignment will be considered throughout the school year and must include written justification regarding life changing or catastrophic conditions.

Residential affidavits are not applicable. If a student qualifies for Title I Hope Services, communication will be provided in spring 2025 announcing processes. Please contact Education Services Division personnel at the Office for Shared Housing at 702-799-8630 for residential affidavit questions and/or documents.

Students who are in Grades 9-11 will be grandfathered under the revised District policy and regulation and allowed to remain at the COSA school; therefore, they will maintain their athletic eligibility, as long as they continue to meet all CCSD and NIAA regulations.

Secondary students in grades 9-12 will be ineligible for varsity-level interscholastic athletics during the first 180 school days of a Change of School Assignment. Students in grades 6-8 will be ineligible for interscholastic athletics during the first 180 school days of a Change of School Assignment.

Students who do not exercise the option to continue attending a school within COSA or Administrative Placement options will follow all NIAA regulations, as they pertain to transferring to another school after being issued a variance in the zone of attendance. Such transfers result in being declared ‘ineligible’ at their residential zoned school. All inquiries should be directed to the school’s athletic administrator.

The Early Childhood Department will manage interest and student placement for all general education Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) students in the Clark County School District. The Change of School Assignment process is reserved for students in Grades K-12. To express interest and have your student placed on the interest and/or waitlist for a Pre-K program, parents/guardians may complete the Pre-Kindergarten Interest Form.

Should your family move throughout the school year, and your child is enrolled with a Change of School Assignment, your child will be able to complete the remainder of the school year at the school. At the end of the school year, you may enroll your child at the school in which you are zoned. Other options may be available on It's Your Choice.

You are able to apply to a magnet program as well as a COSA. The application and selection timelines run at the same time so that families can have the ability to apply for multiple options within CCSD.



  • Una vez que el estudiante se haya inscrito a través de un COSA, la escuela pasa a ser la escuela principal en la que está escrito (school of record) y el estudiante debe permanecer en la escuela durante un año escolar.
  • Una vez que el estudiante se haya inscrito a través de un COSA, no necesita volver a presentar una solicitud cada año a no ser que decida solicitar en otra escuela con espacio disponible.
  • Las familias deben leer detalladamente el Acuerdo Entendimiento (Agreement of Understanding) antes de finalizar la solicitud.Acuerdo Entendimiento (Agreement of Understanding) antes de finalizar la solicitud.

El distrito usa la residencia oficial del padre/tutor del estudiante para establecer la escuela a la que será asignado el estudiante. Con el fin de ser asignado a una escuela, un estudiante no podrá alegar residencia mientras viva con una tía, tío, hermana, hermano u otro pariente o amigo, excepto como se provee en los Estatutos Revisados de Nevada (NRS) sobre lo relacionado con la tutela.

  • Porque fue aprobado para un COSA de acuerdo con el Reglamento 5112; o
  • Porque un estudiante o empleado del distrito fue aprobado para un COSA y asista a la escuela donde el empleado es contratado, siempre y cuando el empleado proporcione una prueba verificada de los derechos parentales o la tutela legal del estudiante; o
  • Porque fue aceptado en un programa especializado escolar; o
  • Porque fue asignado a otra escuela de acuerdo con un Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP), ha sido asignado a una escuela alternativa o ha hecho una elección como aprendiente del idioma inglés (ELL) para asistir a otra escuela de acuerdo con el Proyecto de Ley 219 de la 80ª Sesión de la Legislatura de Nevada (NRS 388.408); o
  • Porque fue asignado a una opción de Escuela Prime 6 o a una escuela de opción de zonificación aprobada por el Consejo Directivo Escolar; o
  • Porque se le determinó como sin hogar o en acogida temporal (foster care) y asistido a través de los procesos existentes mientras retiene los derechos de la escuela de origen; o
  • Porque fue aprobado por la Asignación Administrativa Escolar.

Los estudiantes que actualmente asisten a una escuela bajo COSA en los grados K-12 durante el año escolar 2024–2025 se les permitirá permanecer en la escuela a la que asisten actualmente y hasta que se complete el último grado ofrecido en la escuela designada.

Los estudiantes que en la actualidad se encuentran en los grados 5 u 8 durante el año escolar 2024-2025 y asisten a una escuela bajo COSA deben completar ya sea una solicitud para un COSA en una escuela con espacio disponible o volver a la escuela de su zona de asistencia asignada para el año escolar 2025-2026. Un COSA no permite pasar de una escuela primaria a una escuela intermedia o de una escuela intermedia a una escuela secundaria. Se debe hacer una nueva solicitud de COSA para el siguiente nivel escolar.

Anualmente, el distrito publicará en “It’s Your Choice” una lista de escuelas con plazas disponibles. Por medio del proceso COSA, las familias podrán llenar una solicitud en línea a una escuela que tiene plazas disponibles. Si hay más solicitudes que plazas disponibles, el distrito llevara a cabo una lotería computarizada, al azar para elegir a estudiantes.

El proceso COSA comenzará el finales de otoño de 2024 y concluirá el 14 de enero de 2025 para las primeras solicitudes recibidas de la Fase 1 para el próximo año escolar 20252026. Padres/tutores pueden acceder la solicitud en línea por medio de “It’s Your Choice” Si el estudiante no se inscribe en la nueva escuela asignada antes de la fecha límite, la COSA será revocada y el estudiante asistirá a la escuela de su zona asignada.

La lista de escuelas elegibles se identifica en colaboración con Demografías, Zonificación y el Departamento de Sistemas de Información (GIS). Se consideran varios factores incluyendo la inscripción y capacidad disponible de una escuela, la inscripción futura proyectada y la utilización actual del edificio. Tenga en cuenta que no se aceptará ninguna solicitud de un COSA para ningún programa de escuela especializada.

Durante febrero y marzo, el distrito deberá notificar a los padres/tutores tanto si la solicitud fue aprobada o denegada a través de una notificación por escrito. Los padres/tutores deben responder su aceptación a COSA a través del mecanismo proporcionado por el distrito para la fecha límite indicada después de la notificación. Si la solicitud no es aprobada, un padre/tutor puede solicitar en otra escuela con espacio disponible a través del proceso de COSA durante el proceso de solicitud tardía o solicitar a escuelas especializadas disponibles.


Durante el proceso de solicitud tardía realizado en agosto de cada año escolar, el distrito notificará a los padres/tutores a través de un aviso por escrito tanto si las solicitudes fueron aceptadas o denegadas. Los padres/tutores deben responder su aceptación a COSA a través del mecanismo proporcionado por el distrito para la fecha indicada después de la notificación.

No se proporcionará transporte a los estudiantes que asisten a una escuela como resultado de un COSA.

No, no hay un proceso de apelación si un estudiante no es seleccionado para un COSA a través del proceso de lotería. Sin embargo, el estudiante permanecerá en una reserva de solicitudes disponibles.

Si la escuela a la que un padre/tutor quiere presentar una solicitud para un COSA no se encuentra en la lista, la escuela no tiene espacio disponible para estar en el proceso de solicitud para un COSA.

Un hijo de un empleado del distrito puede asistir a la escuela donde el empleado está contratado sin importar el espacio disponible, siempre y cuando el empleado proporcione prueba verificada de los derechos parentales o la tutela legal del estudiante y complete una solicitud COSA para verificar la solicitud.Las directrices del Código Administrativo de Nevada (NAC) 388.150 deben seguirse cuando la Administración de Casos, División de Servicios Estudiantiles, coloca a los estudiantes en programas autónomos.

Un hijo de un empleado del distrito puede asistir a la escuela donde el empleado está contratado sin importar el espacio disponible, siempre y cuando el empleado proporcione prueba verificada de los derechos parentales o la tutela legal del estudiante y complete una solicitud COSA para verificar la solicitud.Las directrices del Código Administrativo de Nevada (NAC) 388.150 deben seguirse cuando la Administración de Casos, División de Servicios Estudiantiles, coloca a los estudiantes en programas autónomos.

Un estudiante que solicita para un COSA recibirá una preferencia de hermano en el proceso de lotería si el hermano ya está inscrito y asiste a la escuela a la que solicitó el estudiante. Los hermanos deben estar inscritos simultáneamente en la escuela para el próximo año escolar para que la preferencia de hermanos en la lotería se pueda aplicar. Las preferencias se aplican únicamente a la primera opción de solicitud a tiempo del estudiante.

Para los propósitos de preferencia de hermanos, un hermano es definido como un hermano, hermana, hermanastro o hermanastra que viven en el mismo hogar. En el caso de niños en adopción temporal, la preferencia de estos hermanos aplica a hermanos relacionados dentro del hogar. En una situación de hogar en grupo, solo aquellos estudiantes seleccionados a través de la lotería y sus hermanos relacionados, si ellos han solicitado, serán incluidos en la preferencia de hermanos.

El padre/tutor puede permanecer en una reserva de solicitudes disponibles hasta que sea seleccionado. El padre/tutor puede presentar una solicitud para otra escuela con espacio disponible hasta el décimo día del próximo año escolar a través de un proceso de solicitud tardío. Los padres/tutores también pueden solicitar para otra opción de escuela a través de It’s Your Choice.

La Asignación Escolar Administrativa será considerada por la oficina central de servicios designada por el superintendente de escuelas junto con la Oficina del Superintendente Delegado y el superintendente regional correspondiente. La Asignación Escolar Administrativa se considerará durante todo el año escolar y debe incluir una justificación por escrito sobre las condiciones que cambian el curso de la vida o catastróficas.

Las declaraciones residenciales no son aplicables. Si un estudiante califica para los Servicios de Título I Hope, se le proveerá un comunicado en la primavera de 2025. Por favor contacte al personal de la División de Servicios Educativos a la Oficina de Vivienda Compartida al 702-799-8630 si tiene preguntas concernientes a las declaraciones residenciales y/o documentos.

Los estudiantes que están en los grados 9-11, bajo la política y regulación revisada del distrito, se les permitirá permanecer en la escuela COSA; por lo tanto, mantendrán su elegibilidad atlética, siempre y cuando continúen cumpliendo con todas las regulaciones de CCSD y NIAA.

Los estudiantes de secundaria entre los grados de 9-12 serán inelegibles para participar en atletismo interescolar a nivel “varsity” (equipo principal) durante el primer 180 dias del Cambio de Asignación Escolar. Los estudiantes entre los grados 6-8 serán inelegibles para participar en atletismo interescolar durante el primer 180 dias del Cambio de Asignación Escolar.

Los estudiantes que no ejerzan la opción de continuar asistiendo a una escuela dentro de las opciones de COSA o ubicación administrativa seguirán todas las regulaciones de NIAA 1 * , en lo que respecta a la transferencia a otra escuela después de que se emita una variación en la zona de asistencia. Dichas transferencias tienen como resultado ser declarado "no elegible" en su escuela de zona residencial. Todas las consultas deben dirigirse al administrador deportivo de la escuela.

El Departamento de Niñez Temprana gestionará el interés y la ubicación para todos los estudiantes de educación general de edad preescolar (Pre-K) en el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark. El proceso de cambio de asignación escolar está reservado para los estudiantes de los grados K al 12. Si usted desea manifestar su interés por un programa preescolar y que su hijo sea incluido en la lista de espera, los padres/tutores pueden rellenar el formulario: Formulario de Interés para la Ubicación Preescolar.

Si su familia cambia de domicilio a lo largo del año escolar y su hijo está inscrito con un Cambio de Asignación Escolar, su hijo podrá terminar el resto del año escolar en la escuela. Al final del año escolar, usted podrá inscribir a su hijo en la escuela que le corresponde según su dirección. Puede haber otras opciones disponibles en It’s Your Choice.

Usted puede aplicar a una escuela especializada, así como a un COSA. Los plazos de solicitud y selección corren al mismo tiempo para que las familias puedan tener la capacidad de solicitar múltiples opciones dentro de CCSD.


Eligible COSA Schools 2025-2026

Loc School
797 Abston, Sandra B. Elementary School
272 Adams, Kirk L. Elementary School
425 Adcock, O. K. Elementary School
301 Alamo, Tony Elementary School
235 Allen, Dean La Mar Elementary School
369 Antonello, Lee Elementary School
359 Bailey, Sister Robert Joseph Elementary School
783 Barber, Shirley A. Elementary School
904 Bartlett, Selma F. Elementary School
201 Bass, John C. Elementary School
404 Batterman, Kathy L. Elementary School
460 Beatty, John R. Elementary School
524 Beckley, Will Elementary School
515 Bell, Rex Elementary School
459 Bendorf, Patricia A. Elementary School
900 Bennett, William G. Elementary School
736 Berkley, Shelley Elementary School
284 Bilbray, James H. Elementary School
912 Blue Diamond Elementary School
209 Bonner, John W. Elementary School
413 Booker, Kermit R. Sr. Elementary School
252 Bowler, Joseph L. Sr. Elementary School
479 Bozarth, Henry and Evelyn Elementary School
302 Brookman, Eileen B. Elementary School
786 Brown, Hannah Marie Elementary School
536 Bruner, Lucile S. Elementary School
230 Bryan, Richard H. Elementary School
240 Bryan, Roger M. Elementary School
250 Bunker, Berkeley L. Elementary School
325 Cahlan, Marion Elementary School
239 Cambeiro, Arturo Elementary School
279 Carl, Kay Elementary School
248 Cartwright, Roberta Curry Elementary School
461 Christensen, M. J. Elementary School
346 Conners, Eileen Elementary School
254 Cortez, Manuel J. Elementary School
310 Cox, Clyde C. Elementary School
902 Cox, David M. Elementary School
305 Cozine, Steve and Linda Elementary School
317 Craig, Lois Elementary School
211 Crestwood Elementary School
416 Culley, Paul E. Elementary School
560 Cunningham, Cynthia W. Elementary School
271 Dailey, Jack Elementary School
280 Darnell, Marshall C. Elementary School
215 Dearing, Laura Elementary School
327 Decker, C. H. Elementary School
465 Derfelt, Herbert A. Elementary School
361 Deskin, Ruthe Elementary School
255 Detwiler, Ollie Elementary School
442 Diaz, Ruben P. Elementary School
529 Diskin, Pat A. Elementary School
520 Dondero, Harvey N. Elementary School
929 Dooley, John A. Elementary School
222 Earl, Ira J. Elementary School
320 Edwards, Elbert B. Elementary School
368 Eisenberg, Dorothy Elementary School
253 Elizondo, Raul P. Elementary School
525 Ferron, William E. Elementary School
410 Fitzgerald, H.P. Elementary School
370 Fong, Wing and Lilly Elementary School
377 Forbuss, Robert L. Elementary School
340 Frias, Charles and Phyllis Elementary School
925 Galloway, Fay Elementary School
422 Gibson, James I. Elementary School
348 Givens, Linda Rankin Elementary School
237 Goldfarb, Dan Elementary School
914 Goodsprings Elementary School
330 Goolsby, Judy and John L. Elementary School
408 Goynes, Theron H. and Naomi D. Elementary School
224 Gragson, Oran K. Elementary School
429 Gray, R. Guild Elementary School
412 Griffith, E. W. Elementary School
247 Guy III, Addeliar D. Elementary School
522 Hancock, Doris Elementary School
527 Harmon, Harley Elementary School
528 Harris, George E. Elementary School
542 Hayes, Keith C. and Karen W. Elementary School
270 Herr, Helen Elementary School
312 Herron, Fay Elementary School
213 Hewetson, Halle Elementary School
406 Hickey, Liliam Lujan Elementary School
463 Hill, Charlotte Elementary School
910 Hinman, Edna F. Elementary School
338 Hollingsworth, Howard E. Elementary School
342 Hummel, John R. Elementary School
303 Iverson, Mervin R. Elementary School
464 Jacobson, Walter E. Elementary School
407 Jeffers, Jay W. Elementary School
794 Jenkins, Earl N. Elementary School
750 Jones Blackhurst, Jan Elementary School
371 Kahre, Marc A. Elementary School
372 Katz, Edythe and Lloyd Elementary School
658 Keller, Charlotte and Jerry Elementary School
521 Kelly, Matt Elementary School
543 Kesterson, Lorna J. Elementary School
420 Kim, Frank Elementary School
901 King, Martha P. Elementary School
212 King Jr., Martin Luther Elementary School
516 Lake, Robert E. Elementary School
256 Lamping, Frank Elementary School
316 Lincoln Elementary School
223 Long, Walter V. Elementary School
430 Lowman, Mary and Zel Elementary School
367 Lummis, William Elementary School
365 Lunt, Robert Elementary School
226 Lynch, Ann Elementary School
428 Mack, Nate Elementary School
314 Manch, J. E. Elementary School
208 Martinez, Reynaldo L. Elementary School
747 Mathis, Dr. Beverly S. Elementary School
319 McCall, Quannah Elementary School
927 McDoniel, Estes M. Elementary School
363 McMillan, James B. Elementary School
414 McWilliams, J. T. Elementary School
225 Mendoza, John F. Elementary School
913 Mitchell, Andrew Elementary School
258 Moore, William K. Elementary School
249 Morrow, Sue H. Elementary School
217 Mountain View Elementary School
541 Neal, Joseph M. Elementary School
947 Newton, Ulis Elementary School
441 O'Roarke, Thomas J. Elementary School
778 Ortwein, Dennis Elementary School
514 Paradise Professional Development Elementary School
214 Park, John S. Elementary School
362 Parson, Claude and Stella Elementary School
381 Perkins, Dr. Claude G. Elementary School
916 Perkins, Ute V. Elementary School
341 Petersen, Dean Elementary School
424 Pittman, Vail Elementary School
339 Priest, Richard C. Elementary School
417 Red Rock Elementary School
360 Reed, Doris M. Elementary School
443 Reedom, Carolyn S. Elementary School
919 Reid, Harry Elementary School
234 Roberts, Aggie Elementary School
309 Rogers, Lucille S. Elementary School
326 Ronnow, C. C. Elementary School
426 Ronzone, Bertha Elementary School
358 Roundy, Dr. C. Owen Elementary School
221 Rundle, Richard J. Elementary School
926 Sandy Valley Elementary School
347 Scherkenbach, William and Mary Elementary School
356 Schorr, Steve Elementary School
444 Scott, Jesse D. Elementary School
922 Sewell, C. T. Elementary School
343 Simmons, Eva G. Elementary School
379 Smalley, James E. and A. Rae Elementary School
259 Smith, Hal Elementary School
754 Snyder, Don and Dee Elementary School
205 Snyder, William E. Elementary School
311 Squires, C. P. Elementary School
313 Stanford Elementary School
204 Staton, Ethel W. Elementary School
751 Stevens, Josh Elementary School
482 Stuckey, Evelyn Elementary School
219 Sunrise Acres Elementary School
345 Tartan, John Elementary School
328 Tate, Myrtle Elementary School
393 Taylor, Glen C. Elementary School
918 Taylor, Robert L. Elementary School
517 Thomas, Ruby S. Elementary School
349 Thompson, Sandra Lee Elementary School
903 Thorpe, Jim Elementary School
329 Tobler, R. E. Elementary School
519 Tomiyasu, Bill Y. Elementary School
421 Twin Lakes Elementary School
281 Twitchell, Neil C. Elementary School
512 Ullom, J. M. Elementary School
238 Vanderburg, John C. Elementary School
518 Vegas Verdes Elementary School
923 Virgin Valley Elementary School
285 Walker, J. Marlan International Elementary School
526 Ward, Gene Elementary School
355 Ward, Kitty McDonough Elementary School
418 Warren, Rose Elementary School
423 Wasden, Howard Elementary School
283 Watson, Fredric W. Elementary School
384 Preparatory Institute, School for Academic Excellent at Charles I. West Hall
924 Whitney Elementary School
373 Wiener, Louis Jr. Elementary School
233 Wilhelm, Elizabeth Elementary School
321 Williams, Tom Elementary School
513 Williams, Wendell P. Elementary School
236 Wolfe, Eva M. Elementary School
364 Woolley, Gwendolyn Elementary School
354 Wright, William V. Elementary School
462 Wynn, Elaine Elementary School
Loc School
547Bailey, Dr. William H. "Bob" Middle School
374Becker, Ernest A. Sr. Middle School
433 Brinley, J. Harold Middle School
337 Cadwallader, Ralph L. Middle School
399 Canarelli, Lawrence and Heidi Middle School
537 Cannon, Helen C. Junior High School
540 Cortney, Francis H. Middle School
275Cram, Brian and Teri Middle School
376 Escobedo, Edmundo "Eddie" Sr. Middle School
378 Faiss, Wilbur and Theresa Middle School
308 Fertitta, Victoria Middle School
400 Findlay, Clifford O. (Pete) Middle School
933 Garrett, Elton M. and Madelaine E. Junior High School
431 Garside, Frank F. Junior High School
937 Greenspun, Barbara and Hank Junior High School
822 Gunderson, Barry and June Middle School
307 Harney, Kathleen and Tim Middle School
611 Hughes, Charles Arthur Middle School
780 Indian Springs Middle School
243 Keller, Duane D. Junior High School
946 Laughlin Junior/Senior High School
544 Lawrence, Clifford J. Middle School
274 Leavitt, Justice Myron E. Middle School
939 Lyon, Mack W. Middle School
546 Mack, Jerome D. Middle School
401 Mannion, Jack and Terry Middle School
269 Miller, Bob Middle School
530 Molasky, Irwin A. and Susan Middle School
276 Monaco, Mario C. and JoAnne Middle School
534 Orr, William E. Middle School
273 Rogich, Sig Middle School
935 Sandy Valley Junior/Senior High School
402 Saville, Anthony Middle School
538 Sawyer, Grant Junior High School
277 Schofield, Jack Lund Middle School
545 Sedway, Marvin M Middle School
536 Silvestri, Charles A. Middle School
331 Smith, J. D. Middle School
336 Swainston, Theron L. Junior High School
470 Tarkanian, Lois and Jerry Middle School
333 Von Tobel, Ed Middle School
242 Preparatory Institute, School for Academic Excellent at Charles I. West Hall
535 Woodbury, C. W. Middle School
Loc School
452 Bonanza High School
941 Boulder City High School
554 Chaparral High School
454 Cheyenne High School
453 Cimarron-Memorial High School
555 Durango High School
945 Green Valley High School
932 Indian Springs High School
251 Las Vegas High School
942 Moapa Valley High School
245 Mojave High School
940 Silverado High School
446 Sunrise Mountain High School
944 Virgin Valley High School

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